笹山登生のウォッチ&アナライズ –


“Rising Winds of Change: The Emergence and Influence of The “Conservative Party of Japan” “

Category: 未分類 – Tatsuo Sasayama 9:45 AM

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZpiIqQLHs4[/embedyt]


The political landscape of Japan has long been characterized by the dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on the right-wing spectrum, with parties like the Komeito and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan filling the centrist and left-wing slots.

However, a fresh wind is beginning to blow through this domain.

The newly-established “Conservative Party of Japan” , led by Naoki Hyakuta, has exhibited staggering popularity, especially when gauging by their Twitter(X) followers.

Since its founding in September 2023, the follower count has skyrocketed, outpacing other major political parties.

Why is this new party garnering such immense attention?

Behind the scenes, the sudden death of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the subsequent upheaval within the LDP have played a role.

Post-Abe’s demise, the LDP found its intra-party balance shaky, leading Prime Minister Kishida to lean towards the left-wing with the support of other parties.

This shift arguably created a void among traditional conservative supporters, a gap deftly filled by the Hyakuta-led Conservative Party.

Naoki Hyakuta was a staunch supporter of Abe during his lifetime.

Consequently, the formation of the new party can be seen as a continuation of Abe’s ideals, gaining significant traction among conservative voters.

The rise of this party promises significant ramifications for the Japanese political scene, and one cannot afford to overlook its movements.

In essence, the stance of the Japan Conservative Party can be summarized as follows:

“Conservative Party of Japan”  advocates for a “new conservatism” that respects over 2,000 years of unique Japanese traditions and culture.

Rather than being trapped in old patterns, they emphasize evolving with the times, embracing necessary changes while upholding core values and traditions.

They accuse the current LDP of losing sight of its conservative roots, pointing to issues such as the hasty establishment of an LGBT understanding enhancement law, challenges related to foreign worker acceptance, lenient energy policies, increasing liberalization, and the growth of second-generation politicians.

“Conservative Party of Japan”  believes in Japanese pride, highlighting roles Japan played in liberating Asia and Africa from colonial rule, and emphasizing the long-standing imperial system.

They advocate for pride in Japan while maintaining a balance between tradition and the modern era.

Tracing the origins of Japanese conservatism, there are primarily two (plus some) streams.

The first traces its roots from the old Constitutional Party, moving to the Liberal Party, and then to the LDP.

The second originates from the Japan Cooperative Party, transitioning through the Improvement Party under GHQ occupation, to the Japan Democratic Party established in November of the Showa 29th year with Ichiro Hatoyama as president, and then joining the LDP. Another stream stems from the “Japan Reconstruction League” led by Shinsuke Kishi after his return from the GHQ’s public office purge.

This league aimed for independence, emphasizing anti-communism, Japan-US economic alliance, and five major policies for people’s stability.

Shinsuke Kishi, the grandfather of former PM Abe, was not inclined towards conservative parties but hoped for the birth of a national innovative party.

While it’s unclear if Abe directly adhered to the “Japan Reconstruction League” ideals, he possibly was deeply conscious of the spirit of independence from GHQ control.

This spirit of independent pride contrasts sharply with the conservatism that followed GHQ’s preferences, and the formation of the new “Conservative Party of Japan” being distinct from the LDP’s “main conservative stream” can arguably be attributed to this historical context.



Category: 未分類 – Tatsuo Sasayama 12:35 PM


これについての農林水産省の通達は令和元年 10 月 23 日「飼養豚への豚コレラの予防的ワクチン接種に伴う 香港、マカオ、シンガポール、ベトナム及びタイ向け豚肉の輸出継続に係る 追加条件及び手続について」 maff.go.jp/aqs/topix/atta にあるル








第六条 有害動植物又は病気の無発生地域及び 低発生地域その他の地域的な状況に 対応した調整

1. 加盟国は、自国の衛生植物検疫措置を産 品の原産地又は仕向地である地域(一の国の領域 の全部であるか一部であるか又は二以上の国の 領域の全部であるか一部であるかを問わない。) の衛生植物検疫上の特性に対応して調整するこ とを確保する。

加盟国は、地域の衛生植物検疫上 の特性を評価するに当たり、特に特定の病気又は 有害動植物の発生の程度、撲滅又は防除の計画の 有無及び関連国際機関が作成する適当な規格又 は指針を考慮する。


第五条 危険性の評価及び衛生植物検疫上の 適切な保護の水準の決定

5. 人の生命若しくは健康又は動物及び植物 の生命若しくは健康に対する危険からの「衛生植 物検疫上の適切な保護の水準」の定義の適用に当 たり整合性を図るため、各加盟国は、異なる状況 において自国が適切であると認める保護の水準 について恣し意的又は不当な区別を設けることが、国際貿易に対する差別又は偽装した制限をも たらすこととなる場合には、そのような区別を設 けることを回避する。

加盟国は、この 5 の規定 の具体的な実施を促進するための指針を作成す るため、第十二条の 1 から 3 までの規定に従っ て委員会において協力する。委員会は、指針の作 成に当たり、人の健康に対する危険であって人が 任意に自らをさらすものの例外的な性質を含む すべての関連要因を考慮する。


参考サイト 「家畜伝染病の発生直後からの地域主義の実現に向けて ―二国間枠組みと WTO 体制の協働関係―」
